


.... ah you tired old dinosaur. Expecting people to do their jobs properly and behave like grown ups. Look at poor recently devoid of status deputy PM. Didn't say please or thank you loud enough to Lucian or Arabella, so he bullied them by actually having the temerity to tell them what to do. I mean, who does he think he is? Doesn't he know how vulnerable and fragile I'm feeling now?

Oh the other lot are no better. Brown threw as you know titanic temper tantrums which involved hurling things at people. Brown isn't a small man. He's a solid brute. I've stood next to him behind him and in front of him.

Another very senior lab Cabinet minister liked to put his hands on the bodies of female staff. On parts of their bodies that only mothers, lovers and trained medical staff should touch. The PM knew. They all knew. Yet greater needs and interests prevailed.

The hypocrisy reeks. Another good SB man, we both probably knew, who sadly is no longer with us, once said to me: " Both are as bad as each other. "

I recall Det Supts and above in Strap environment using mobile phone. They seemed to find it amusing. I'm reminded of now disgraced ACSO whose attitude to DV Vetting was " Just funking get it done." He and his acolytes actively conspired with likeminded in other gvt depts to rain down fire, misery and brimstone on those who deserved to be swept away for having the temerity to dare object to the rise of the new Empire.

To Hell and Connaught with all of them.

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Very much on point! Too often, complacent or naive, managers fail to spot potential security threats among their staff.

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A friend of mine from across the pond sent me this link.

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On point. Not to mention the easier access to some of the overseas insiders that UK partners work with. Now there is a can of worms.

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