Yet another truthful and brilliant account of Policing. Thanks Dominic.

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Thanks Ian, I appreciate your kind words.

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Superb.....this one goes out to all the Angry Men we've ever tackled!

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Excellent read and as usual 100% right. Late 80s early 90s i was level 2 and loved the overnighter at Hounslow. I volunteered everytine there was a vacancy, sometimes 5-6 times a year… Loved the angry man role where the instructor, padded up and tooled up with a metal baseball bat went absolutely mental as us as we entered the room, short shields, trying to ram him into a corner. To be fair i did it mainly for the curry and beer & the night out. Happy days

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Ah, the shield run in those ridiculous Frankenstein boots followed by beers in the Beehive in Brentford!

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and hoping to god the morning wasn’t a session that would bring it all back up

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R v Palmer... R v Beckford.

I joined in ‘95. My team at PG were keen to test me early on. No warning. And yes it is a baptism but I was ‘lucky’ coming from a military town; where the friction between those on leave from their ship/barracks & the locals regularly exploded on a Friday & Saturday down The Strip. I was ok at it. Lost far more than I ever one. But I didn’t give in. Pre-emptive strikes are always ok if justified.

Another fantastic insight about the realties of keeping those who abjure violence safe.

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right on the button

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17 years in uniform and I have met a few angry men. Not to mention when others jump in (cowards who won't fight on their own) when they see the opportunity to have a go at a copper who already has his hands full. Twice, in that time I and other cops have slept in hospital beds after Angry Man encounters. One thing I would add, the person most likely to come to the public's aid, after the uniform cop, is the off duty officer.

Cheers Dominic for spelling out some hard truths.

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Once again absolutely correct. You have a good way of words and put things across better than I could. Been there, done it and no, if you’ve not had to do it you won’t understand.

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