Nothing to add except you’ve hit it on the head again. Let’s see what comes out in court and what effect that will have on future CPS charging decisions.

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As always, you've hit the (many) nail(s) on the head. There seems to be no one with the required spine and chutzpah who can lead the Met into the Policing equivalent of Churchill's "broad sun-lit uplands". Without such a leader things will just stumble along and The Met and the public will suffer whilst the scrotes prosper. In the situation that now presents itself, My concern is that NX121 will end as did the Marine A case - a travesty about which society should be ashamed.

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The possibility of this happening has always existed, as a relatively senior officer I had responsibility for all operational AFO’s and traffic officers who were pursuit trained as well as TPAC.

I retired in 2010, forced out by A19 but that’s another story. I held this role for 8 years and thoroughly enjoyed it. On occasions it was demanding, police shooting followed by the coroners inquest. Difficult for everyone, particularly the officers directly involved. We did everything we could to support and protect the officers, we held regular joint training sessions, silver commanders and AFO’s. We never had any big problems . What has happened since is accurately highlighted in your article. The genie is now out of the bottle, trust has withered in an atmosphere media scepticism and public distrust of the police. The IOPCC and CPS will continue to have meetings and make stupid decisions based upon political pressure as they see it.

I don’t know how this awful and dangerous situation can be resolved but senior officers need to grow a pair quickly!

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In 1969, Canadian researcher, Dr Laurence Peter wrote a book called the 'Peter Principle', which states that a person will receive promotions so long as they work competently. Eventually they will be promoted to a position at which they are no longer competent.

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The Met have adapted this into one of ever-failing upwards. Incompetence is definitely no barrier to high rank.

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To be honest I'm surprised this issue hasn't come to a head sooner. Does anyone recall an incident in December 2018 when a pair of armed robbers were intercepted carrying out a cash in transit robbery in Wimbledon? Shots were fired and one of the robbers was wounded. The upshot was that two officers were charged with malicious wounding. On day one of the case at Crown Court the CPS withdrew the case as there was no prospect of a conviction. Make of that what you will.

From my point of view having had peripheral contact with the IOPC and their predecessors I formed the impression that their whole point of view was that if shots were fired by police then a police officer must be guilty of something. If nothing else was available they'd try to do you for breaching policy.

I suspect that the whole media/political class are about to find out that a lot of police roles are voluntary and depend on good will, good will was eroding when I left in 2008 so heaven knows what will happen. I suspect the phenomenon that occurred in the States when officers basically ceased proactive work, AKA 'De policing' or 'FIDO' (F**K it drive on' will really start happening over here.

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This week we've got an AFO looking at gross misconduct after being cleared of any criminal charges after a shooting. We've also got the anonymity hearing for 'NX121'.

It's as if UK PLC has decided it doesn't want armed policing. Well, the part of UK PLC that decides these sorts of things.

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FAFO as I believe the young folks say.

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